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Positive Energy Box

Smudging Kit for you and your home Positive Energy Gift Box

Positive Energy Box

Regular price $38.50
Regular price Sale price $38.50
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Smudging is traditionally used to cleanse negative energy and feelings from yourself and your home. Our Smudge kits contain the 4 elements of nature

 Earth is symbolised as the Sage Sticks.

 Air is symbolised as the Feather.        

 Fire is symbolised as the Candle.        

 Water is symbolised by the Sea sand and clay cup.

Light your Black Tourmaline crystal candle (Tourmaline blocks negative energy) and open your windows to let the negative energy escape. Empty the sea sand into the clay cup and light the organic sage from the candle.

Sage will naturally stop burning and go out within a couple of minutes. This is normal so just reignite if needed.

When you have smoke producing from the sage stick, start at the place furthest from the exit and move the smoke all around the room with the feather. Move to the next area and repeat.If you are smudging yourself or an object slowly move so the smoke flows all around the body or object.  

When you have cleansed yourself and the house put the lit end of the sage stick into the clay pot to extinguish it.

While smudging what you say is not as important as what you are thinking and believing. Maybe you could say a blessing or a mantra


All the elements of the positive energy box can be reused whenever you feel the need to cleanse yourself again. Store the sage in moisture free low humidity area.



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